Good ol' me

My modeling pics
Good ol' me
My Furry Babies
My Favorite Website Links
Photos of High School and Friends
Pictures of Elora
Senior Pictures and other Random Pictures of Me.
Leo and I.

I was born August 27, 1984 in San Jose, California. Although we have moved all around San Jose my entire life. I went to so many different elementarys due to the fact that we moved so often. I started out in the first grade at Lowell elementary, second grade was Hillsdale elementary, fourth grade was Anderson elementary, fifth grade was some school I don't remember the name of. Then I went to John Muir middle school, and I graduated from Pioneer High School. Throughout High School itself, I pretty much group hopped. The first 3 years I hung out with the metal heads and goths. Then I had hopped to the sort of trendy group, but still switched it up every now and then with the groups. I was in choir for three years and loved every moment of it. I learned a lot. I loved my senior year of choir because it was by far the best because my director Mr. Jeremy Harris was just the coolest director ever. He was an awesome pianist and challenged the class a lot with different genres of music. It was nice to learn songs in different languages and just to sing something interesting for once. I wasn't very much into school spirit, so choir was the only school spirited thing I did. Since high school I lived in San Jose up until Feb. 2005. I moved to Stoughton, MA. I lived there till around March of 2006. Then I moved to my boyfriend Leos' apartment in Sharon, MA and now we will be moving again to Mansfield, MA all of August of 2006. I gave birth to a wonderful little girl name Elora August 29, 2006. We then have continued our journey and moved to San Jose, CA July of 2007 and then have moved once more to Prescott, AZ. It has been quite a journey with a lot of learning experiences and I am sure there will be so much more.

These pictures that I have on here do represent a part of me. I have the angel one and at the bottom left and it says Hells, because when I chatted in yahoo back in the day, that's what I was known as. A friend actually enhanced all the colors and added new things for me. The other pictures are just some of my favorites I found here and there. So I hope you like them as much as I do.



Favorite Stuff

Favorite TV Show:  Charmed, Witchblade, Heroes, So you think you can dance, Inuyasha, Naruto, Ayashi no Ceres, Fushigi Yuugi, Scrapped Princess, Saiunkoku Monogatari and much more animes..

Favorite Movie:  Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves, Underworld, The Harry Potters, The Lion the witch and the wardrobe, The golden compass, Willow, Legend, The dark crystal, The last unicorn, Princess Bride, Lots of disney movies, Spirited Away etc....

Favorite Music:  I like all types.

Favorite Food:  Anything my hubby cooks.


The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.
-Henry David Thoreau